
President's Message: Thanks for Giving

With Thanksgiving just around the corner and the end of the year close at hand, it is once again time to reflect on the year's accomplishments, to give thanks and t0 count blessings.

WALA has been quite fortunate: in a year filled with economic challenges, we are still open for business. This has been no easy feat. Legal services and arts organizations alike have struggled to operate amidst significant financial shortfalls. Like our sister organizations, WALA has not gone unscathed. We face a unique challenge in making the case that an organization that is BOTH a legal services and arts organization merits financial support.

The one reason that we have kept our doors open this year: your support. I am deeply thankful for the countless hours our volunteer attorneys have given for artists and arts organizations who could not afford legal representation -- without you, many of our community's artists would be without legal assistance in a time when it is needed most. I am thankful for our committee members and long-standing supporters, who enabled WALA to continue its many educational programs, clinics and events. I am also deeply grateful for our staff, without whose dedication we would never have kept our doors open. In short, WALA's strong and supportive community has ensured its survival.

To recognize the commitment of our community that we are gathering to give thanks this evening and celebrate. We do say YES! to pro bono and I hope you will join us. While the event is free, we ask you to consider building upon your community support of WALA with a financial contribution to support our operations. I ask you to do this on behalf of WALA's dedicated staff who have worked tirelessly this year, determined to ensure each artist and arts organization in need was matched with the legal resources and education it needed.

If you cannot join us this evening, please offer your support and look for our year end letter in the weeks ahead summarizing our accomplishments and share your enthusiasm for WALA by inviting friends and family to become members and support us. We would like to ensure the future of our organization and the welfare of our creative community for years to come. We have great ideas to increase our impact in our community. To accomplish our goal, we need your support.

Much thanks to you for giving your time, your money and your support.

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